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Old 08-05-2008, 09:39 PM
Andy Andy is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Idazona
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Think about it Gannon all these Canadians had was Bacon.......
and funny looking change that would jam up our vending machines.
Dudley Dorite was the closest thing they had to law enforcement
and then along comes the American crime fighting shows like
Walker, Texas Ranger and the Mod Squad and that one with
the Mexican Motorcycle cop that is now pitching real-estate on
late night TV .....sure.....after all that ...wouldn't you want a ssp Mustang?
think about it?...... I have.
I can't tell you how many broken homes i have seen
with a Canadian Maple leaf flags a flying
and a SSP Mustang parked in the driveway. hey SSP this and hey SSP that
is all they could say. soon their teeth would fall out (and so the slow journey begins yet again)
to the United States to look for Yet another SSP Mustang (and to get their teeth fixed)
what a shame Bill. 22 years on the job and i still have nightmares

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