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Old 02-22-2016, 08:35 PM
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NoDrama43 NoDrama43 is offline
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Don't be offended as I am only trying to give you my .02.

It is a CHP car which in the SSP world is very common.
It has 250k plus miles.
It needs a complete restoration including paint, mechanicals, and interior because with 254K miles I assure you the interior is faded and the drivetrain is tired.

To properly restore the car a person will have upwards of 15k plus the purchase price. For the next 25 years the car will never be worth what a person would have in it if they did it right. If adding the correct CHP equipment and decals you are looking at another 2k minimum.

If I was looking to just drive the car....5k tops. It is a fox mustang coupe. There are millions of them.

If you get 7k for the car you have hit a grand slam homerun.

for the first time since 1998 there is only two left:

1984 Oregon SP unmarked
1986 Idaho SP
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