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Old 09-18-2015, 11:34 AM
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NoDrama43 NoDrama43 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Ohio
Posts: 4,043

I have weathered the ebbs and flows of the SSP sites and the only change I made was to distance myself from the small minority of issues that affected me negatively. Negative issues resulted in negative communication that caused negative results. I made the mistake of letting myself get caught up in that. That was then.....

I have always considered this group the core membership that will represent mustang police cars and their heritage into the future. That is evident by our continued display of respect for the cars and the men and women that served in them. I see nothing but good things here at .NET and am grateful for the friendships I have made.

The important relationships that were damaged by the past have been repaired and those of us that have always been in the hobby for the right reasons continue to enjoy the cars. My passion for the cars has never died and I have quietly continued doing the things with these cars that I enjoy the most. I consider myself an old timer since I have been actively enjoying these cars since 1997. I don't know of anyone else that has stuck with it for 18 years. I have learned that if things get stupid, I ignore the internet. I deactivated my FB account for that very reason.

Recently some (expected) positive changes have started to occur, including my preparation for retirement. My intent is to enjoy the cars till I am pushing up daisies and then let someone else figure out what to do with them all. Until that time I plan on stacking them deep, restoring them all, and going to a couple of shows every year.

and I need an 88 Wyoming car because Gregg needs my 88 Missouri car because he is all out of stuff to do.......

for the first time since 1998 there is only two left:

1984 Oregon SP unmarked
1986 Idaho SP
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