Thread: MHP S80 Radar
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Old 04-15-2013, 09:05 PM
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NoDrama43 NoDrama43 is offline
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50.00 if you are selling. 25.00 if you are buying.

seriously that is almost impossible to give an educated answer to.

what condition is it in?
are all the brackets there?
does all the lights and switches work?
does it pass a tuning fork test?
how many antennas?
are they the correct antennas?
what band is it?
do you have any service records for it?
do you have tuning forks for it?
are they period correct tuning forks?
are the tuning forks the correct band?

these are just several questions that help determine the worth. along with that the "how much do I want it" factor which also comes into play.

To put this inperspective I bought 8 MPH S-80 radar units last year for 50.00 for the entire lot of them. They are perfect for cop car restorations. I don't know if they work and couldn't car less. I don't have any plans to run radar with a 30 year old outdated, uncertified radar unit in a POV.....but now some folks "have" to have a working radar in their car......just for those times when you play with your lights and sireen and want to hear the mystical sound of opposing traffic rushing by...... just sayin.

for the first time since 1998 there is only two left:

1984 Oregon SP unmarked
1986 Idaho SP
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