Thread: 86 CHP #3852
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Old 11-10-2011, 02:44 AM
Ford-Dealer Ford-Dealer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 11

As far as the restoration is concerned, yes, I am conflicted. Part of me wants to paint her black/white, however part of me doesn't. In a way, I feel that I am doing her an injustice by painting her black/white. I am a LEO here in TX, and with that comes the ability to work traffic control duties (Off Duty Work), for lane closures, construction etc.... My intent is to put her back "In Service" performing those types of duties. That having been said, I want to maintain her origins. The correct CHP Spots have already been installed, and I have purchased NOS deck lights. I am going to install a motorola XTL2500 digital radio under the seat (as to hide it), but install the correct CHP radio and scanner for appearances sake. I suppose one could say that I am trying to HYBRID the mix of OLD/Original vs NEW. If you want to call it a clown car, then by all means do so. I for one disagree. My SSP will live on doing "In Service" duties, which I can assume, that MOST if not ALL restored police cars don't get the chance to do. She will be happier working, than not.... that is my opinion, others are welcomed too.
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