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Old 03-27-2011, 08:34 PM
mbe2598 mbe2598 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: lees summit, missouri
Posts: 45
Wink as a customer of M-Squad

No I speak as a very dissatisfied customer. M-Squad took me for $350.00 bucks three years ago, gave me a crappy set of magnetic FHP decals that did not fit. Would not return calls, would not answer emails etc etc etc. As I showed the car at shows, many on this site & org saw those crappy decals and gave very negative comments. I knew nothing of M-Squad and took the advise from members who had used them for their projects.

It took the guy three months after having my money, only call I ever got why it took so long was that his wife had a child. I had to threaten to either make the decals or send my money back.

Those decals have now been sold to another member & I am very happy with the quality of what the sign company did in Jeff City, Mo for $ 125.00 total.

Again you are the consumer, do as you wish.....Sam Walton said it best...The consumer will hire or fire you simply by spending your money elsewhere.
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