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Andy 03-09-2007 01:03 AM

angry neighbor
Building another garage here in Arizona and the neighbor is angry with me
It began with the trees in the septic..... i pulled them out then i got the idea that
another garage would fit in where the trees were.but not over the septic or drain field
and the neighbor is Very Angry with me. he does not like where it is gonna be
and wants me to put it over the septic and i told him that i can not!
everything is to code and a building permit was pulled and approved and as a
courtesy to the neighbor I told him what i was doing and he went nuts!
i really like this guy...all my neighbors but i don't know what i can do?

Unmrkd 03-09-2007 07:55 AM

See if you can get the guy to stop going "NUTS" and peel the layers back to his real concerns. You might have a chance then to address his issues and put his fears/concerns to rest. Who knows what his problem is, concern about loss of a view, noise, color/size/style of building????

Your right about not putting it over the tank or field. That would be bad news at some point. Could his concern be the 15 bays and the NASCAR team that you are starting?:D

Good luck and hang in there.

Andy 03-09-2007 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Unmrkd (Post 1589)

Good luck and hang in there.

Thanks Gregg!

it's not a big building 18x20 the only view is down the street? it's on the side where
his garage is and it has no windows. the roll up door faces my house and the
building has no power!. I think he is angry about the trees coming out. neighbors are
a crap shoot and i think he is just not happy with change. I would like to have had
the trees stay but since they are gone i am gonna use the space for something useful.

Unmrkd 03-09-2007 05:20 PM

"Kill Him With Kindness", it really messes with their mind when they are angry and you smile, wave or give them a friendly greeting. Kind of like a Hylon (sp?) fire extinguisher, subtle but very effective at knocking down the fire.:D

policemustang 03-12-2007 06:35 PM

Full speed ahead! If you have the plans in place, the proper permits then fire-away! He'll either get over it and learn to live with it or he won't.
When it's all over, invite him over for coffee and send over a Fruit Cake at Christmas.

Andy 03-12-2007 10:19 PM

Roman......part two tonight! people have been coming by to do utility locates for this
project.... they call it Blue stake here also Tuesday is trash day so I seen my
neighbor bringing out the trash pale at the same time i was walking over to check on
the utility locates and i told the neighbor that it was gone be a very nice building and
he nodded I said it will look very nice and he nodded and walked off in the direction
of his house and I should have let it go.. but I was speaking from the heart and i said
that always want to be your friend..... with that the 80+ year old whipped around
and said you will never be my friend! Like scratchy N Itchy the Coyote and road
runner oil n water we may never be friends? I hope not.

Unmrkd 03-13-2007 07:43 AM

Continue to assalt him with kindness, he can't hold out forever.:D

86NeSSP 03-13-2007 08:51 AM

I think he's just jealous! He wants to be a hotrodder like you and cannot afford to be or the wife won't let him. He'll come around once you have a 65 Mustang and a Pantera there. Like Unmrkd said kill him with kindness. You can't make everyone happy but you can go out of your way to try and then some people are just set in their ways and can never see any good in things.
Maybe he's a longtime tree hugger and hates to see that the property that you are building on was nice "green" property. He wanted you to build over the septic because he knows that is already been dug up once.

Whatever, you have tried to include him. You didn't even have to do that at all.

I hope it all works out for you.

Andy 03-15-2007 02:46 PM


policemustang 03-15-2007 09:32 PM

He'll soon be singing Roberta Flack: "Killing me softly with his words.....killing me softly....."

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