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Andy 02-12-2007 01:53 AM

Life is.
I went to visit a friend Saturday that is not long for this world.....He
has cancer and liver and heart failure..... he has allot a fancy ass
high dollar cars and two fancy ass houses and is very much in the Black
financially but this will not help him in his end days...... he is near
death and no amount of money is gonna help him now. he is a good person
that is at the end of life's road and as a fellow (CAR GUY) it was fun
visiting with him yerterday and talking car shit! The whole family is in
from all over because the end is near... A few know me?.... all agreed
that Dennis was having a great day talking about car's and not
hospitals! Please don't tell me that you are sorry to hear about my
friend Dennis...I know you are. instead take care of the people that you
care about NOW.... because you never know when God will call them home.
houses, cars, things that we have and own.....
these are all toys in the here and now.We are just care takers of other
peoples things. We will be a foot note in the title search of our
cars!!!!!!! it's family and friends that last forever and continue on
long after we are gone. I don't want to upset
anyone and I know this is a SSP Mustang specific site but we are also CAR
and like our project's that have a beginning a middle and an end so does
life and If we can pass something on into the future more then our name
on an old Mustang title than we have lived a Good life.
I have allot of reALLY neat friends that are 80+ they have lived life to the
best anyone could.... they know that they have bought the last new car
tha last new sport jacket and don't care or give a rats ass about what anyone else
thinks they have paid the dues and are on skate time now!
Dennis is only 60.

ImEvil1 02-12-2007 06:03 AM

Well said.

wsharp227 02-12-2007 09:52 AM

I couldnt have come up with a better way to put it. Perfectly said....

NoDrama43 02-12-2007 10:34 AM


well said!!

as I get older I am starting to realize that everything we own is just stuff that someone else has to get rid of when we are gone. Life is to short to be constantly bothered by the little bumps in life we go over and all we can do is just try to enjoy the good things in life......our friends and friendships, loved ones and enjoyable moments. When I hear of anothers' death, it just serves as a reminder that we all are geting older, and closer to our time to go. Enjoy every day guys, and always tell the ones you love how you feel about them. tomorrow it may be to late.

Andy 02-26-2007 01:16 AM

I just got the call tonight.... Dennis passed today. He is with God now and has probably already been assigned as head mechanic in charge of all things automotive and cool in heaven! (I wanted that some day) Oh well?

NoDrama43 02-26-2007 01:28 AM

sorry to hear that Andy.

prayers for his family.

86NeSSP 02-26-2007 10:00 AM

Also sorry to hear that about your friend... Prayers for his family as well!

ImEvil1 02-26-2007 10:45 AM


Andy 02-28-2007 10:14 PM

people die every day. this is the last in a post about Dennis my car guy friend......... the best any of you bastards can hope for is to have a friend like me (not me) but
someone? like me? that remembers you because otherwise you are forgotten!

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