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NoDrama43 04-13-2011 01:14 PM


Andy 04-13-2011 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by NoDrama43 (Post 24876)


ImEvil1 04-13-2011 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Andy (Post 24903)

I'll write that on the side of my TRAILER. :bouncy:

CNTLOSE 04-13-2011 09:03 PM

When I had the FHP I just used painters tape and covered the fender "STATE TROOPER" decals and I used several pieces to cover the door shield. On the trunk I had a magnet that read, "NOT IN SERVICE". All lights were covered so nothing stuck out at all.

On the TX car it is a little easier. I just put a piece of tape across the "PUBLIC SAFETY" part and cover the lights. If I am taking it on the highway out of state I will also put the NIS magnet on the trunk.

copper 04-13-2011 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by NoDrama43 (Post 24876)

I like that wording. I have a sign stating SHOW CAR IN TRANSIT-NOT IN SERVICE. They are on both doors and in the rear window. The other signage is covered with painters tape. I've had police pull along side and give me the thumbs up. This doesn't mean it is the best but I want to let the Police know I'm not impersonating.

mac88chp 04-14-2011 02:26 AM

Another signage variation used here:



GSPI 04-14-2011 06:59 AM

Yes, California does have a very stringent requirement and that actually is how movie companies cover the cars in that manner. The fact that the car is painted in that way is illegal there too.

copcamaro 04-14-2011 08:54 AM

When I had my mustang I used magnets the size of the state decal,state patrol signs and painted the magnets same color as car.
Now with the Camaro!! I have to use those magnets with double faced poster tape painted black to do the job, as the doors and fenders (all except the rear quarter) are composite material.
Except for the creme top and trunk, going to shows you would not know it being an X-police car.
Usually remove the lightbar and put in back seat on a specially built platform.

GSPI 04-14-2011 09:27 AM

I'm guessing that you don't go to Florida then as the color is a sticking point with them down there from what I've seen in their vehicle code. I was wondering how you attach those covers. Magnets are great on metal but even so, it works best if you use some blue painter's tape to keep things secure.

copcamaro 04-14-2011 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by GSPI (Post 24913)
I'm guessing that you don't go to Florida then as the color is a sticking point with them down there from what I've seen in their vehicle code. I was wondering how you attach those covers. Magnets are great on metal but even so, it works best if you use some blue painter's tape to keep things secure.

Correct about taking to FL.
I will NEVER take the car there, as I would go directly to jail with the color.
As I said the painted magnetic covers are held on with Scotch doublesided POSTER tape.It's as thin as regular scotch tape, but sticky both sides.
I drove all the way to Ca. from Mo. and back 4,000 plus miles, at sometimes a little above the speed limit and never had one come loose and fly off.
When they are painted the car color, it really camoflages the car.
I even take the 3 antennas off and leave the AM/FM and CB radio on.
Radar, I leave in and play with it at times, which really slows some of those agressive drivers down.
To my reccolection I have never been stopped in my 20 years showing the cars, as I believe in taking all the precautions I can as to not get stopped and screw this hobby up.

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